Thursday, January 13, 2011

Well, hello there Planet Earth.

It's been quite some time since my last blogging experience, a slightly humorous and often heartbreaking adventure following my mysterious past. So instead of just doing the same thing and reliving all that entertainment, I think I'll try something a bit different this time. I'm in the enjoyable time of my life where I'm busy enough to not have any time to do anything I really want to, but just enough time to think about what I'd like to be doing when I'm not able to actually do any of them. Confusing enough, but it makes a bit of sense.

But first, for those that are uninitiated to who I am, actually. I'm a 26-year-old Architect in training, living in Dallas, TX. I was born in England in 1984, moved to Pittsburgh, PA in 1993, then to Lake Jackson, TX in 1998, then to College Station in 2004, and finally (for now) Dallas in 2008. I lived in Italy for 3 months during college. I've been to Mexico, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Scotland, Sweden, and over half of these 50 states. I've been in love only once, seen more weddings than a boy my age should have a right to, and go to church quite religiously, although lately that's been in a bit of flux (more on that in a later post). I have a younger brother that just finished college and now works in Austin, of which I'm slightly jealous because yo quiero musica. I have a sense of humor that very often gets me out of the trouble that my sense of humor just got me in. I love music with an unequaled passion. I'm pretty relaxed and don't really get stressed out much of anything, because I learned a long time ago that the world is what you make of it, not what it makes of you. I find fortune cookies simultaneously hilarious and depressing. I am not that sentimental, but smart enough to know when I've lost something valuable. I enjoy Semi-Professional Casual Donut Thursdays at work. I'm not lazy, I'm just damn good at relaxing. I would do anything for my friends, unless it's something that I don't see good in. I miss my college friends terribly, but enjoy the memory of them. I'm not really good at first encounters, science, remembering obscure sports facts, playing golf, saying exactly what I feel at exactly the right moment, or telling the people that I love that I love them. I am flawed, but also aware enough of myself to understand that and to try and fix my faults. My name is Daniel but everyone calls me Dan, save my mother when I'm in trouble. I'm 26 and still waiting for my life to start. 

Overall, you see loyal reader, I like to think. I enjoy figuring out things and wondering and imagining worlds that shouldn't exist. I'm a child with a box of crayons and a white page. I'm oblivious to what's really going on around me because more often than not, it's boring. I hum, wiggle to imaginary music, and can pretty much keep myself entertained for hours, which, upon writing, sounds supremely sad.

So instead of letting all these random thoughts escape into the void, I'd like to write them down and share them with you, patron of the arts. There are stories and tales of adventure, silly ideas I might have come across, or just what happens to be on my mind at the moment. Like I said, I'm at an odd time in my life, caught between the rushing tide of adulthood and the fading beauty of childhood, and everything that that entails. Sometimes I feel like I missed some of my youth, being that I moved a few times, but I've come to find that I, as a person and individual, would not exist without the experiences that I did go through, so I shouldn't regret something that didn't happen, because if it did, I wouldn't be where I am now.

And that's the sort of deep philosophical stuff you can expect here, as well as fart jokes, general stupidity, and a gradual shift from where I am to where I'll be.


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